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Join our
Zero Waste Challenge 2022!


The Problem: Waste

Plastic Bottles

Waste production is one of the greatest challenges of the Anthropocene. It endangers our environment and threatens to tip our planet off-balance. We have grown so used to waste production, e.g. through single-use plastics, that we tend to forget it is  a recent economic practice which can be changed. And there are alternatives: have you already forgotten the old way of doing your shopping with a Zembil? Let us challenge our habits, see what we can do to reduce our environmental impact and learn some lessons! Starting from World Earth Day, April 22, 2022, Udet will be guiding you through the Zero Waste Month, week-by-week! 

Week 0: Preparation

Fresh Vegetables in Basket

(1) Take stock of where most of your waste comes from! 


The most common forms of waste are food and other packaging, bottled water, takeaway containers, hygiene and self-care products, and all kinds of single-use plastics! We also create a lot of food waste, such as leftovers, which might end up in the garbage. How many garbage bins full, cubic meters, kilos of waste do you produce? Take measurement! Use a Camera or a Scale. 


(2) Decide what can to be reduced or eliminated.


What is your personal biggest waste category? Do you always find yourself buying bottled water because you are thirsty on the road? Are you frequently throwing things away, because you can't repair them?

Make a plan or checklist and pin it on your fridge! How much can you avoid? Set an ambitious target!


(3) Make a plan of how you will eliminate this waste. 


What alternatives  can you think of? You can normally get vegetables and fruit from the marked without packing, for example. Plan for your shopping and take your Zembil or re-usable containers instead of plastic bags. Do you have a compost already? 



Week 1: Food

Food Waste Compost

Upcoming in the next days!

Week 2: Beauty & Hygiene

Olive Oil Soap

Upcoming in the next days!

Week 3: Home & Workplace

Recycled Bottle Planter

Upcoming in the next days!

Week 4: Travel

Ride a bike

Upcoming in the next days!

Week 5: Stock Taking & Telling Stories

Chameleon on a Branch

Upcoming in the next days!

Follow us & see you again in 2023! 

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